Dad here. Allow me to barge in on the mommy blog process to honor my commitment to my 1st child. I promised Grace equal time (it won't be exactly equal but she can't count) so you will see an occasional post reflecting that she is still in fact a part of our daily lives.
I promised her that her spot at my feet and in our bed would remain. So far, I have made good on that promise. Slowly, I see her settling more at the feet of Chase and I hope that over time the pictures blend together as they become good friends.
She has shown some signs of sadness and confusion at this new arrival, but none of them have outweighed her newfound protective spirit and her new growl when the doorbell rings. I tried to explain to her that Chase's arrival meant Mom would be home more and she would get more walks with Dad - don't tell Mom but Grace always has to go out when
Chase needs a diaper change - must be Pavlovian ;) - this has not stopped her from practicing her sad look on us.

As you can see, she took out a lot of anger on my parents pup - how ferocious
You can also see that she doesn't quite know what to make of the smelly thing in the see through cage - although I think she is glad she isn't the one in it.
Dogs are wonderful creatures. Their pack mentality enables them to easily adapt to new members of their human families, and adopt them as one of their own. I saw a story on the news today about a boy in Canada who went outside one night to get some firewood for his mom. While collecting the wood, he noticed something moving toward him with suprising speed. Before he had time to react, his dog jump in between him and the unidentiified intruder. As the boy retreated to the safety of his home, he could hear his dog yelping in pain as it struggled to fend off the attacker. Soon though, the yelps subsided as the dog began to succumb to the strength and ferocity of of its opponent. Fortunately, the boy's mother had called the police, and a constable (it's Canada) was quickly on the scene. The constable killed the boy's attacker, saving the dog from certain death. The dog is currently recovering from it's wounds (lacerations to the throat, fractured skull) at the local vet. Your probably asking yourself..."self, what's the point of this story". Well, the boy's attacker was a hungry adult cougar, and the dog was an 18 month old Golden Retriever. I suspect that baby-Chase is in excellent hands (or paws).