Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chase visits the ER

June 29th 6pm...Chase pulls off a wine bottle from wine breaks...he steps on glass with the heel of his left foot... mommy drives the screaming, bleeding toddler to check in they ask mommy if she nees a valium before they even treat foot...daddy arrives shortly after...thank goodness

Some ex rays....then some liquid stitches...we are home in about 2 hours

The hardest part was keeping him off his foot for 48hours( you go ahead and try to keep an 18month old from walking/running)

Lesson Learned...don't underestimate what your lil guy will want to play with

Message to time could you at least break the cheap bottle

Day 3 after visit.... doing just fine :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Boys will be boys...

Such a daredevil...

What a boy will go through(or under) to get to his dog...

Who needs a maid when you have a kid! He's such a good helper.

1st ride on his Kawaski...even decided to do a little off roading


Got Milk?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

When I grow up I want to be just like daddy...

Giving Daddy his card and Breakfast in Bed!